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Top 5 Traditional Hair Loss Treatments That May Fade Out

Traditional Hair Loss Treatments Are a Dying Breed

When you think of hair loss treatments, some of the first things that may come to mind are topical creams and oral medications. Up until recently, products that contain minoxidil (oral and topical) and finasteride (oral) have been go-to solutions for balding and thinning. However, many are opting for new technologies that offer more natural hair loss treatments. As the availability of new hair enhancement technologies increases, traditional hair regrowth treatments may become a thing of the past. Here are the top 5 reasons why traditional hair loss treatments may fade out.


1. Impotence


Unfortunately, finasteride hair loss treatments like propecia can cause difficulties in the bedroom. The top side effects of finasteride include impotence, loss of interest in sex, trouble having an orgasm, as well as abnormal ejaculation. Sometimes, but not always, these issues can still continue even after stopping medication usage. Intercourse troubles could potentially be just a given with aging and that may be enhanced by the medication, but it is best to speak with a provider if this is a concern.


2. High Maintenance


Minoxidil (products like Rogaine and Bosley treatments) aren’t a quick fix. Once started, the user must be in for the long-term if he wants to see results. Minoxidil hair loss treatments “only work as long as they are used diligently and routinely,” meaning that hair growth will cease once the treatment is stopped. When using minoxidil, it must be applied twice daily, hair must not be be washed for at least 4 hours after application, and drying times can take between 2-4 hours. Although it isn’t running a marathon, this can be more work than desired for some people. [1]


3. Skin Irritation


While some may feel comfortable using creams or foams used as hair loss treatments, some may have scalp irritation. According to LIVESTRONG, minor “stinging may occur,” and inflammation with redness may develop, which could be a type of mild allergic reaction called contact dermatitis.” Keep in mind, this is only mild and should pose no danger if prescribed or suggested by an accredited physician. Developing dandruff can also be a side effect of minoxidil use.


4. Systemic Problems


Minoxidil products and finasteride can both agitate underlying systemic problems such as cardiovascular and vision problems, as well as headaches namely if one already has pre-existing heart/vision problems. According to, “patients with underlying heart disease may be at increased risk for these or other cardiovascular adverse effects.” Again, always consult with a doctor when starting any new physical treatment- this also goes for hair loss treatments.


5. Natural Is The New “Thing”


If a doctor does not recommend using traditional hair loss treatments, they may suggest a patient to go with alternative or natural remedies. Luckily, we are in a time that is quickly producing state-of-the-art technologies that have shown to potentially produce great results. It is entirely possible for your hair follicles to become reactivated through new revolutionary procedures that utilize the body’s own healing abilities. Both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy as well as stromal vascular fraction (SVF) are autologous procedures that are expected to work by exploiting growth factors in the PRP and SVF and re-administering the final product back into the scalp. There is no risk factor of rejection or infection, because these materials are from one’s own body, thus making this minimally-invasive procedure incredibly safe with no systemic side-effects.


Is The Alternative Right for You? Contact Us


If you are suffering from hair loss and want to consider the many options for treatment, contact us today for a consult. Our physicians will take their time to find the root cause of hair loss, and then create a personalized plan that will best treat your diagnosis to encourage hair regrowth. Call us at 1-855-734-3678  or e-mail




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