Regeneris Medical

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Eyebrow and Eyelash Surgery in Massachusetts – Look Better than Ever

  Full, thick eyebrows and eyelashes can be a stunning feature on women, giving their beauty a bold presence. And now more than ever, celebrities are opting for thick eyebrows to complement their famous good looks. Unfortunately, many women do not have the type of eyebrows they truly desire.

If you fall into that category, you are far from alone. Whether through genetics or through permanently damaging hair follicles via eyebrow plucking (a practice many women have used to seek thin eyebrows in the past), some women simply cannot achieve eyebrow fullness and density on their own.

How Can I Make My Eyebrows Thicker?

If you are unhappy with your current eyebrows, you fortunately have natural options to achieve your desired look. Eyebrow enhancement is a relatively new but highly effective procedure that has helped many women gain thicker, more dramatic brows.

So how does the procedure work?

By carefully removing hairs from a donor site, usually from the nape of a woman’s neck, our doctors can process hair follicles that naturally fit your eyebrow area. The transplantation process is then done meticulously to ensure that every inch of the area meets the woman’s desired look.

Choosing an Eyebrow Restoration Doctor

Choosing an eyebrow restoration doctor is a daunting, but incredibly important task. While some doctors are capable of performing the procedure, they do not have the artistic detail necessary to craft a bold, beautiful look. At New England Center for Hair Restoration, it’s as much about Art as it is about Medicine.

Call us today at 855-5-NEHair to schedule a free consultation. We will walk you through the eyebrow surgery process and map out a plan to have your eyebrows looking bolder and more beautiful than ever.