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7 of the Best Natural Hair Restoration Remedies

There’s no doubt that we’re becoming a society that seeks out natural hair restoration remedies to treat hair loss. Depending on the underlying reason for hair loss, some at-home natural hair restoration remedies can really help improve hair strength, growth, texture, as well as moisturize and soothe the scalp.* From simply integrating more nutrients into your daily food consumption, to putting masks on your hair, here are 7 of the best natural hair loss remedies.

Natural Hair Restoration Remedies

1. Diet


Eating the right foods can do more than just promote a healthy weight. Protein and omega-3 fatty acids are both important nutrients for healthy, strong locks. WebMD suggests eating “about two to three 3-ounce servings of meat or a combination of four to five servings of dairy and beans.” A diet implemented with nuts and seeds (especially flax seeds), fish, and eggs are all excellent sources of both protein and omega-3s that can all potentially be natural hair restoration remedies. Potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins B and C are also all important nutrients for healthy hair maintenance- nothing drinking a little beet juice can’t help!


2. Oils


Massaging oil into your scalp can do a few of things for you. One, it’s a great way to soothe and moisturize any dry or irritated skin. The massaging itself can also promote healthy blood flow to the hair follicles, which may help growth. Lastly, it can strengthen the roots of the hair, as well as enhance texture. Oils like argan oil, olive oil, hemp oil, castor oil, and emu oil can be great natural hair restoration remedies if your hair loss stems mostly from (or is worsened by) a dry scalp or dandruff.

3. Onion Juice


Because of it’s high sulfur content, onion juice can also potentially help treat hair loss. The sulfur “helps in hair growth by increasing collagen production.” In addition to all of that, onions possess anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can keep microorganisms at bay, thus treating infections that can cause hair loss.


The Health Site recommends this regime:


  • Chop one onion finely and squeeze out its juice.
  • Apply the juice on your scalp and let it stay for 15 minutes.
  • Now rinse with a mild shampoo and let your hair air dry.
  • Use this twice a week to see results.


4. Aloe Vera


Aloe vera is a great anti-inflammatory agent, and can alleviate any itching or dandruff by keeping the scalp moisturized. It also “contains enzymes that directly promote healthy hair growth. Also, its alkalizing properties can help bring the scalp and hair’s pH to a more desirable level, which can greatly promote hair growth.” You can simply leave Aloe gel or juice in your hair for a few hours, or use Top 10 Home Remedies recommended hair loss treatment recipe:


“In a 2002 study published in the Journal of Dermatology, almost 74 percent of the study participants who applied onion juice on the scalp experienced significant hair regrowth.”

  • Mix together three tablespoons of onion juice and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. You can also add one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture onto your scalp and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off and shampooing your hair.
  • Repeat two or three times a week for several weeks.


5. Be Gentle


Tugging or rough handling of the hair can cause traction-related hair loss. This is when the hair is being removed from the follicle by force. “Rubber bands, dyes, perms, straightening irons, and curling wands can be hard on your hair,” says WebMD. “If your hair is thinning, you don't want it to break as well. Be gentle with your hair -- don't overdo brushing or washing.” If your balding stems from traction or excessive styling, one the best and cheapest natural hair restoration remedies is to just leave your hair alone, and be more conscientious of how you handle your tresses.


6. Supplements


If diagnosed with any conditions that may induce hair loss such as anemia, hypothyroidism, or any metabolic disorders, then ask your provider if it would be okay to implement daily supplements into your routine as a natural hair restoration remedies.  Vitamins and minerals such as biotin, iron, zinc, and potassium iodide can all aid in promoting hair growth if the body has any known deficiencies. We must stress that it is very important to speak with an accredited physician first before taking any supplements- they will know if any supplements interact with certain medications you may be on, and run appropriate blood tests to see if there truly are any deficiencies.


7. Breathe


It’s natural to be worried if you’re losing your hair. However, it will make matters worse to continue to stress about it. “Losing your hair can be stressful,” says WebMD. “And stress (physical and emotional) can sometimes increase hair loss.” Take some deep breaths and know that there are protocols available that can help you. If you’re worried about staying on the natural route, that’s why facilities like Regeneris Medical exist- to make sure you get the best possible results with the safest, natural hair restoration remedies possible.



Contact Us

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to help treat your hair loss, contact Regeneris Medical today. Call 1-855-734-3678  or e-mail


* Always consult with a trusted provider before starting any new routine to treat a condition.



Regeneris Medical® and affiliates do not claim that stem cell treatments or cellular therapies are a cure for any condition or disease. Adipose-derived stem cell therapies are investigational and are not a part of  FDA-approved stem cell therapies. The information and opinions on this website are for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice from a medical professional. If you think you could benefit from stem cell therapies, we suggest patients research relevant information in addition to the information on our site. Be sure to consult a physician before deciding to participate in any investigational therapies.

Top 5 Traditional Hair Loss Treatments That May Fade Out

Traditional Hair Loss Treatments Are a Dying Breed

When you think of hair loss treatments, some of the first things that may come to mind are topical creams and oral medications. Up until recently, products that contain minoxidil (oral and topical) and finasteride (oral) have been go-to solutions for balding and thinning. However, many are opting for new technologies that offer more natural hair loss treatments. As the availability of new hair enhancement technologies increases, traditional hair regrowth treatments may become a thing of the past. Here are the top 5 reasons why traditional hair loss treatments may fade out.


1. Impotence


Unfortunately, finasteride hair loss treatments like propecia can cause difficulties in the bedroom. The top side effects of finasteride include impotence, loss of interest in sex, trouble having an orgasm, as well as abnormal ejaculation. Sometimes, but not always, these issues can still continue even after stopping medication usage. Intercourse troubles could potentially be just a given with aging and that may be enhanced by the medication, but it is best to speak with a provider if this is a concern.


2. High Maintenance


Minoxidil (products like Rogaine and Bosley treatments) aren’t a quick fix. Once started, the user must be in for the long-term if he wants to see results. Minoxidil hair loss treatments “only work as long as they are used diligently and routinely,” meaning that hair growth will cease once the treatment is stopped. When using minoxidil, it must be applied twice daily, hair must not be be washed for at least 4 hours after application, and drying times can take between 2-4 hours. Although it isn’t running a marathon, this can be more work than desired for some people. [1]


3. Skin Irritation


While some may feel comfortable using creams or foams used as hair loss treatments, some may have scalp irritation. According to LIVESTRONG, minor “stinging may occur,” and inflammation with redness may develop, which could be a type of mild allergic reaction called contact dermatitis.” Keep in mind, this is only mild and should pose no danger if prescribed or suggested by an accredited physician. Developing dandruff can also be a side effect of minoxidil use.


4. Systemic Problems


Minoxidil products and finasteride can both agitate underlying systemic problems such as cardiovascular and vision problems, as well as headaches namely if one already has pre-existing heart/vision problems. According to, “patients with underlying heart disease may be at increased risk for these or other cardiovascular adverse effects.” Again, always consult with a doctor when starting any new physical treatment- this also goes for hair loss treatments.


5. Natural Is The New “Thing”


If a doctor does not recommend using traditional hair loss treatments, they may suggest a patient to go with alternative or natural remedies. Luckily, we are in a time that is quickly producing state-of-the-art technologies that have shown to potentially produce great results. It is entirely possible for your hair follicles to become reactivated through new revolutionary procedures that utilize the body’s own healing abilities. Both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy as well as stromal vascular fraction (SVF) are autologous procedures that are expected to work by exploiting growth factors in the PRP and SVF and re-administering the final product back into the scalp. There is no risk factor of rejection or infection, because these materials are from one’s own body, thus making this minimally-invasive procedure incredibly safe with no systemic side-effects.


Is The Alternative Right for You? Contact Us


If you are suffering from hair loss and want to consider the many options for treatment, contact us today for a consult. Our physicians will take their time to find the root cause of hair loss, and then create a personalized plan that will best treat your diagnosis to encourage hair regrowth. Call us at 1-855-734-3678  or e-mail




Regeneris Medical® and affiliates do not claim that stem cell treatments or cellular therapies are a cure for any condition or disease. Adipose-derived stem cell therapies are investigational and are not a part of  FDA-approved stem cell therapies. The information and opinions on this website are for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice from a medical professional. If you think you could benefit from stem cell therapies, we suggest patients research relevant information in addition to the information on our site. Be sure to consult a physician before deciding to participate in any investigational therapies.